Naim price revision 1st September
Naim Audio, like all manufacturers, is feeling the pressures of persistent economic fluctuations and rising materials costs across the globe. A a result, Naim is revising it’s pricing from 1st September. Not all products are affected, but some will increase in price by up to 10%.
The biggest changes are to Classic Series, with NDX 2, SuperNAIT 3, NAP 250 DR and HiCap DR all facing chunky increases. In the SI Series, NAIT5si integrated and Naim’s only remaining CD player – CD5si – will see similar rises.
All orders placed before 1st September will secure current pricing so if you are thinking of a Naim purchase, please get in touch before then to discuss.
01244 345576
Unfortunately, it’s likely there will be more price increases on the horizon from other manufacturers. We’ll keep you posted here whenever we have news.